Bags of Love Outreach

next outreach on june 18, 2022

You’re invited to help us love our neighbors at Idylwood Village West in Falls Church! NewSong is partnering again with Belong!*, a non-profit organization that reaches underserved populations, and several local churches to provide food for the families at Idylwood.

3 ways you can help:

1) Pack a Bag

1 or more standard reusable grocery bags with designated list of grocery items. Be sure to include an encouraging card, Scripture passage, and pictures/drawings (if you have kids, this is something they can help with)!

  • Cost to pack 1 Bag of Love – approximately $30

  • Each bag should contain ALL the items listed below; do not pack fewer/more items. Please note weight specifications, do not include expired or opened items, and consider providing healthy choices (e.g., low-salt, low-sugar, whole grains).

  • Packed in a standard reusable grocery bag (no paper or plastic):

    • high-fiber, low-sugar cereal (10-20 oz total)

    • canned tomatoes (diced/stewed/crushed/sauce, 28-32 oz total)

    • canned fruit in 100% juice (26-32 oz total)

    • canned chicken and/or chili (20-30 oz total)

    • rice (32 oz total)

    • dried beans or lentils (32 oz total; black beans are popular)

    • granola bars (6-12 oz total)

    • pasta noodles (24-32 oz total)

    • 2 tubes of toothpaste (10-12 oz total)

    • **We're collecting disposable diapers & baby wipes for Idylwood babies & moms

  • Drop-off Bag(s) of Love & Baby Items at NewSong on Friday, June 17

  • Print out the shopping list here


2) Help us collect Bags of Love on Friday, june 17 (at NewSong)*

  • Volunteer for Bags of Love collection on Friday, June 17 at NewSong

  • This option is only available for those that attend NewSong Church

    • 4:30P-6:00P — SIGN UP BELOW

3) bags of love distribution day*

  • DISTRIBUTION: Help us deliver Bags of Love on Saturday, June 18 at 8:30am (meet at Idylwood)

  • PRAYER (new component): ** Prior to Bags distribution we will have opportunity to pray for Idylwood residents who queue up to receive Bags. Spanish speakers/translators are encouraged to join us for Saturday Bags distribution & prayer for Idylwood residents.

  • This option is only available for those that attend NewSong Church


We invite our kids to participate by creating heart art to go inside the bags of love.

Heart art means kids create a piece of art with the purpose of encouraging someone. We want to share with people that God loves them.

Pull out some construction paper and markers and get drawing!

The heart art can come with your bags of love OR can a scanned/picture version of the heart art can be emailed to us by clicking the button and we will add it to a bag.

*Belong! is associated with Vienna Presbyterian and the nonprofit organization that is hosting/facilitating this event.