Many Hearts, One Passion

We are creating space this month for God to move among us corporately. We desire to see our lives as a church family become unified in our pursuit of His heart and His ways through the practice of prayer, fasting, Scripture and fellowship. We invite you to join us in these pursuits through the invitations listed below.

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invitation #1

Focus Prayer (Thursdays @ 6-7a, Oct. 7th-28th)

We will structure the time of prayer with the following: corporate & personal. There will be specific & delegated opportunities to pray publicly as well as time to pray individually.

Regarding covid-19 guidelines, we continue to monitor local, state & federal recommendations and will update the community as needed. In light of current and changing guidelines, we trust that for service, you will make the best decision possible for yourself and those around you in our community.

Format: forthcoming

invitation #2

+focus prayer

+ focus fast (oct. 10th-31st)

We are encouraging an all-media fast for 21 days - this means no social media (i.e. - Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) as well as streaming platforms (i.e. - Netflix, Hulu, etc.). If these are not areas that currently take up space in your life, invite God into the conversation and ask Him what is something you could hit pause on. For some, this may be reading the news; for others, reading the news may be a part of your job - so find something that takes up significant space and give that space to the Lord for 21 days of intentional focus as we collectively build our hearth with our hearts.

invitation #3

+focus prayer +focus fast

+ focus scripture

Our Scripture focus for October will be from the Gospels and will be sent weekly via our FOCUS text group.

invitation #4

+focus prayer +focus fast +Focus Scripture

+ Focus Book Study (Oct. 10th-31st)

We will be reading PRAYER by Richard Foster together. We have limited used copies available for purchase at Wakey on Sundays for $5/book. See here for Amazon link.

Reading Plan (see left)

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teach table: kingdom Theology Class

Join us for a class on what we believe as NewSong Church:

We believe in the Bible's authority.
We believe in Creedal Christianity.
We believe in Jesus' model.
We believe in the Father's family.
We believe in the Holy Spirit's activity.

We invite you to this opportunity to partake in more of our October Focus Month: Many Hearts, One Passion.

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Formation Class

Join us as we explore the practice of corporate spiritual disciplines.

An invitation to step into more of our October Focus month: many hearts, one passion.