social media fast
This social media fast is an opportunity to journey into a transformational space where our choice to pursue joy is inviting us to embrace the grace God has for us to let him do the work in us by breathing in us. The intention of this time is not to forget everything happening in the nation but to practice living in pursuit of joy in the midst of what feels heavy and hard.
Our hope is that God will meet you in this time!
Need to utilize social media for work? No problem, many people are on for their jobs! For the duration of the fast, some have decided they are solely on it for the purpose of work and don’t access their person accounts. Others have chosen to fast something differently.
If you feel led to join us whether you’re jumping in at the beginning, middle, or end - we’d love for you to jump in!
Get started by praying this prayer:
I bless my spirit to connect with Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, show me how to remain tender to your leading. I lean into your work within me to cultivate a space of joy.
To receive a couple joy encouragements a week, text “JOMO” to 703-972-6688.