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 As we begin to return to normal operations, we understand a large factor for families is having a place for their children to connect with other children. At this time, we are rebuilding most ministries after being apart for a year — and this includes our children’s ministry. Currently, we are unable to offer full-scale children’s ministry in the form of classes but would like to create a space once a month for kids to get together, re-acclimate to group settings, and have fun!

KH SUMMER DAYS is NewSong’s summer program for our children’s ministry (Kingdom Heroes) that we’re offering once a month in June, July, and August on the 4th Sunday of the month. Our focus for these days will be opportunities of connection for kids by having fun together!

We understand there are different levels of comfort when it comes to safety measures concerning covid-19. We will not be requiring masks to be worn by kids during Summer Days. However, if you feel more comfortable with your child wearing theirs, we fully support your decision. We ask for your help in two ways: (1) reach out and communicate this to us and (2) communicate with your child so they know what to expect.

Our plan will be to have the event take place outdoors, but in the event of rain, we will move indoors.

Some details:

Ages: K5-5th Grade Where: NewSong Church, location on site dependent on weather When: June 27, July 25, August 22 Time: During Service (10:20-11:30A)

Ice Cream Truck: For June and July, we will have an ice cream truck after service the same Sundays as our KH Summer Days — if your children would like extra motivation :)

registration & check-in/check-out

We will be using our Smart Check-In App to check-in and check-out of class. Click these links to download: Apple App Store or Android Play Store

  • Once you’ve created an account, events should be available based on age, select “KH SUMMER DAYS [Date]”

  • Please make sure your child(ren) have “K” through “5th” denoted in their grade level

Location: By Playground, under white tent Check-In (Drop-Off): 10:10A-10:20A Check-Out (Pick-Up): 11:30A-11:45A


please let us know if you plan to join by texting “KHSUMMER + # of kids” (703-972-6688) or emailing us here

August focus: The Great Commission

We will do activities focused on the different pieces of armor, snacks & water, and free play time. *Activities will not all be socially distant. Please dress your children in clothes than can get wet for our activities!

Please send your child with: clothes to get wet in, sunscreen, and extra hydration.

We recommend: that you prepare an extra change of clothes for your children to change upon finishing up/checking-out of KH Summer Days

Check-Out: Please first return to the check-in tent to check-out your child! We will call your child(ren) over to be released after you’ve completed check-out.

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july focus: Armor of God

We will do activities focused on the different pieces of armor, snacks & water, and free play time. *Activities will not all be socially distant. Please dress your children in clothes than can get wet for our activities!

Please send your child with: clothes to get wet in, sunscreen, and extra hydration.

We recommend: that you prepare an extra change of clothes for your children to change upon finishing up/checking-out of KH Summer Days

Check-Out: Please first return to the check-in tent to check-out your child! We will call your child(ren) over to be released after you’ve completed check-out. Please grab an experience kit on your way out!

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June Focus: The Power of Words

We will have a group activity focused on encouragement and teamwork, offer a snack break (clementine & veggie straws) with water, and then wrap up with some free time. If you would like your child to have an alternative snack, please pack one separately and inform our team upon check-in. *Activities will not all be socially distant. P.S. —There’ll be a goody for them to pick-up upon check-in!

Please send your child with: weather-appropriate clothing for activity outdoors, sunscreen, extra hydration

We’ll also have some special items to hand out at the end of our Summer Day!