We believe that connecting the children to God is the most important thing that we can do for them. We create a safe place for the children to come and meet with God. He is the One who teaches them and encounters them. We teach them how to hear His voice so they can talk to Him! We teach them how to worship and cultivate an atmosphere of faith, hope and love so that they can change the world around them. Each classroom is a training center for these children to discover who God created them to be and be activated in living out their full destiny in Him. We believe that these children are not just little people, but true Kingdom Heroes who are dearly loved by their Heavenly Father.
The schedule is created 2-3 months at a time
2 or 3 team members are in class each week
Each team member serves 1-2 times a month
sunday (at-a-glance)
MINIs (every Sunday)
10A Arrive to set-up (Nursery)
10:20A-11:45A Class
UPPER&LOWER LESSON SUNDAYS (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sundays)
915A Arrive for KH Briefing (Multipurpose Room)
945A Impact Team Rally (Sanctuary)
10A-10:30A Team Prep Time
10:30A-11:45A Class
Debrief after class and fill out checklist form (below)
9:00-9:45A Briefing (Lobby)
945A-10A Impact Team Rally (Sanctuary)
10A-10:30A Team Prep Time
Kids in Lower & Upper classes will be in service with their families
Schedule Changes:
Reach out to your team to see who can swap with you
Last minute emergency: contact POC via phone call/text
Teacher expectations
Our main goal each Sunday is that the kids leave feeling loved. Sometimes we don’t make it through the entire lesson but if they leave feeling seen, known, and loved - it’s a win.
With our relaunch, we want to empower all of our teachers! We will be assigning different portions of the lesson to each teacher on their scheduled weeks.
Core Values for Team:
Teachable & Committed
It’s so exciting to be relaunching KH after 18+ months of no classes! In the process of rebuilding, this is brand new for all of us. Let’s abound with grace and patience for one another as we navigate it together.
Let’s be committed to making this space available for our kids to experience what we, as adults, get to experience through spaces like Common Tables or Quads.
Let’s be teachable as we are navigating the rebuild of this ministry and be open to learning in more ways than what we may be used to.
Safety 101 (we have a video on this to explain the below)
Safe, loving, honoring, gentle
Child-initiated touch is ideal
Refrain from: picking up, piggy-back rides, twirling around, sitting on laps
Loving on Purpose = use words to empower and give direction vs. physical direction.
Bathroom help
Children should be independent in bathroom (page parent if needed)
Indoor Classes: Volunteer may watch from the door, or 3 or more people may go together
Outdoor Classes: Ratio of 2:1 (volunteer: child, vice versa) to come inside for bathroom use - no need to go into the bathroom
Only authorized adults and checked-in children may be in classrooms
KH volunteers need to wear a nametag
Children have name tags on once checked-in until they leave
Stand in such a way so that only the child signing in may enter or exit
Lead teacher will make the decision to page a parent
Use walkie-talkie to page POC
POC will always follow-up with parent/child conversation
Call 911 first if serious, then page POC
If a child is injured use first aid kit at check-in tent
For minor injuries, leave a note on the checklist
Always make parents & POC aware
Share testimonies/challenges without using children’s names
Not posting/sharing pictures
Family situations: share with POC