Church At Home - Kids Edition

Summer series #2

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The Word of God

Let’s practice turning on the light (God’s Word)
that helps light our path, showing us where to go
— Pastor Michelle Jeannot

august 23, 2020

hiding God’s word in our hearts - RWSSP Part ii (Activation)

Ready for round II of a deep dive? This week we’ll talk about the last two parts of RWSSP — Sing it & Pray it.

We’ve also got a special DIY video from a new face, Kayla Yirdaw! We’re so grateful for her craftiness and tech magic. She shows some ways to make a journal as your kids keep practicing hiding God’s word in their hearts.

august 16, 2020

hiding god’s word in our hearts - rwssp part i (activation)

This week we dive deeper into the 3 parts of RWSSP (Read it, Write it, Say it, Sing it, Pray it). We will be focusing on Read, Write, and Say.

If your kids enjoy craft time we’ve got something for you!


Purpose: To create a mini-journal so that during the next two weeks while your practice RWSSP, they can keep it all in one place. We’ve got a special video coming later this week demonstrating a couple ways to make a journal but in the mean time, feel free to get started AND send us pictures of your journals, we’d love to see them!

Craft: Mini-Journal

Supplies: Paper, Scissors, Stapler, Coloring Pencils/Markers, Stickers

crafty time.gif

august 9, 2020

hiding God’s word in our hearts - engaging God’s word

There are so many ways to engage with God’s word. The rest of this month, we will look at five ways that help us to be rooted firmly in our hearts. Those five ways make up the acronym “RWSSP” which stands for:

Read It, Write It, Say It, Sing It, and Pray It

This week, we’re doing an overview of all five ways. Then in following lessons, we will focus on a few each week.


august 2, 2020

hiding God’s word in our hearts

We want to talk about WHY it is important to have God’s Word in our hearts! Click the lesson links below to take a look. This sets a great foundation for the rest of the series as we continue to explore the importance of God’s Word AND give your family ways to practice it.