Church At Home - Kids Edition
Summer series
rhythms of renewal - a paired series
““What if this time of quarantine isn’t just an inconvenience but if it’s actually a blessing and invitation for each of us, young and old, to reset those foundations in our life with God and in the spiritual rhythms we have in our daily life””
Resource Alert!
We've got something to help you build rhythms in your family. We’ve created a calendar that helps your kids to practice different aspects of the “rhythm of the week” and they get to check off the ones they’ve completed. Parents, feel free to use this for yourselves as well! The calendar is not dated and is something you can use repeatedly, just print out a new page! Regardless of what day is the start or end of the week the book-end prompts remain the same. Start by watching the lesson video (released weekly) and end by having your kids teach the rest of the family what they learned about the rhythm of the week!
Click on the images to print out a calendar for each child that wishes to participate and write their names on the bottom line!
july 26, 2020
rhythm 6: The Foundations - The Early Church
When we think about the Early Church, the thoughts are often around the amazing growth and miraculous acts - but there were also rhythms and practices they built into their everyday living. Many of which that take shape today in the church. Here is a quick lesson video and a video from Crossroads Kids about the Early Church.
july 19, 2020
rhythm 5: the Foundations - Friendship
We wanted to include conversation about friendship as part of the rhythms series because doing life together is an important part of being a part of a church body. Not only that, but like hospitality, it is one of the ways we can practice our witness to those who do not hold to the same faith. May we learn how to be true friends, like Jesus.
july 12, 2020
rhythm 4: the foundations-hospitality/when i look at you i see
We’ve got a special treat this week with two lesson videos! One setting up the idea of hospitality and then another one talking about one important way we can practice hospitality.
Pastor Michelle’s Hospitality Lesson Video
WILAYIS Lesson Video
july 5, 2020
rhythm 3: the foundations - go to god first
The third rhythm we are introducing is Go to God First. We want to encourage kids now to start recognizing that God cares about everything and He wants to hear what’s going on in our lives. He wants to hear about the good things, the hard things, and everything in between.
You know the drill :)
..But in case you need a refresher: parents video helps to link the Equip Table: Rhythms of Renewal with our kids lesson series. Kids video introduces Go to God First as a Rhythm of Trust.
Shout-out to Adam Green again for his creative direction and visual storytelling in this video! We also have a special guest jumping in, watch it to find out who!
june 28, 2020
rhythm 2: the foundations - journaling
We’re excited for the second rhythm this week: Journaling! Parents, the first video is for you if you’re interested to hear more about how our rhythm this week pairs with the one Pastor Jason is teaching on in his Rhythms class. The second video is with Adam Green teach the kids about what journaling is and giving examples from his own life! We’ve seen some of these examples in the KH class he teaches and we’re SO thrilled he shared some here with you!
kids video
june 21, 2020
rhythm 1: the foundations - soaking
The past couple weeks, we’ve talked about what rhythms are. How to look for rhythms in our every day lives. How to pair life rhythms with spiritual rhythms.
This week, we dive into specific examples of spiritual rhythms you can start to practice! By yourself and with your family!
parents video
Kids Video:
Shout-out to Adam Green who is one of NewSong’s elders who also serves on the KH team! He graciously joined us, filmed, and edited this series of lesson videos.
If families want to try the visual at home, feel free to grab the following items: (1) bucket (2) sponge (3) water
june 14, 2020
rhythms: worship together, Learn together, Pray together
Now that we’ve taken time this past week to notice what kinds of Rhythms (regular, repeated things) we have in our every day lives, we want to focus on a specific type of rhythm. Check out our video below!
june 7, 2020
We’re taking a break from the GROW curriculum this month and focusing on sharing resources that help families incorporate spiritual development into your everyday routines. We want to introduce the idea and awareness of rhythms which we’ve defined as “regular & repeated things that happen throughout our days.”