Church At Home - Kids Edition

may lesson series


may 31, 2020

week 5 - Pentecost

The GROW series contained 4 lessons so this week, we are focusing on Pentecost as it is Pentecost Sunday! There’s a couple different resources with this one and it’s helpful if you view them in the steps listed below.

(1) Pastor Michelle’s Video

(2) Use the lesson

  • The lesson includes: Bible story (with video recaps), discussion, activation/craft, and prayer (& coloring page!)

  • CRAFT: Click here for the flame cut-outs


may 24, 2020

Week 4: Paul and Barnabas’ Missionary travels (Acts 13:1-5, 38-39; 14:21-28)

This week we’re traveling the world! Check out our recap from the 4th lesson by GROW in this True Story series.


justice rising

If you want to find out more about Justice Rising, click here.

Prayer game

Play “Hot Potato” with music and either a ball or potato! When the music stops, use a map or globe to pick a country to pray for!


may 17, 2020

week 3: peter is rescued from jail (Acts 12:1-17)

Here is this week’s lesson recap from GROW curriculum about Peter being rescued from prison. This is a great lesson to pair with some praise time as we remember how Jesus sets us free - here’s a couple songs to get you started!

p.s. - the third video has dance moves for the second video ;)

praise because….

…..jesus sets us free!

p.p.s. - Here is a complete worship & dance playlist for kids by Gateway Kids Worship


May 10, 2020

Week 2: Peter and Cornelius (Acts 10:1-38)

This week, we’re continuing with our GROW curriculum and using a supplemental resource to tell the story. Start by watching Pastor Michelle’s video below (May 10th - Lesson Recap)! The video has a pause towards the beginning to guide viewers to watch the story recap video from YouTube. PARENTS - we encourage you to pull up both videos and have them ready to play!

Below are suggested approaches, feel free to use your own.

  • For Elementary Kingdom Heroes

    • You can read the story together in the Bible (Acts 10:1-38) then watch Pastor Michelle’s video

  • For Preschool Kingdom Heroes

    • You can start by watching Pastor Michelle’s video and then pause to watch the YouTube video below by The Gospel Project for Kids.

May 3, 2020

May 2020 Grow Lesson Series - True Story

This month begins a new lesson series called - TRUE STORY. We're learning true stories from the book of Acts, just like we are on our Sunday streamed service. The content for this series is part of a curriculum program we’ve purchased called GROW. Each week, we will post a short video recap of the lesson. We encourage you to dive deeper into the scriptures and discussion together as a family. Have fun with it!

For this week, we mixed things up with a preschool recap as well as an elementary recap. Parents, links are included below to access the monthly series summary as well as coloring pages for your Sunday Box!