Church At Home - Kids Edition

november 2020



As we've gone from a year of Influence to one of Inspiration (see core values here), we’re reminded that our ability to influence comes from a place of being breathed upon (inspiration). What we allow to fill us becomes what flows from us. This very notion has inspired us to focus on the practice of gratitude for the month of November. Yes, it makes sense because we’re approaching Thanksgiving. But. Think big picture and you’ll see that as unrest/anxiety continues to prevail our social landscape we are in a place of influence to bring God’s kingdom of peace-making, of community, of love, of hospitality, and we could keep going! For this series, we want to go from knowing we are inspirational to practical application of how to cultivate an access point to God’s heart through gratitude.


We’ve got another calendar resource for you! We’ve created a gratitude calendar to be printed out weekly with the prompt “I’m thankful for…” written out for each day. Elementary kids can cut along the dotted line to glue into their journals (we handed these out during the last Sunday Social) and Prek kids can hang them up in a prominent spot (like the fridge!) at home to fill out each day.

Let’s see how many new things we can be thankful for this month!

diy journals

Because we’re focusing on noticing and recording what we’re thankful for, we decided to hand out journals that each child can decorate and make their own to use this month! If you were not at the last Sunday Social in October, please email us (link at bottom of the page) to set up a time to swing by and get some packs.

Here is a letter from Pastor Michelle to check-in on you! Please let us know how you’re doing and with any responses to the questions in the letter you may have.

november 29, 2020

The Practice of Gratitude: Thanksgiving (Part 4)

This week is more of a recap/reflection of the month’s lesson series. We hope that you’ve been able to spend some quality time together during this Thanksgiving, even if it looks different than years past. This lesson has a craft component that is a great activity to practice reflection together. Bonus is that the supplies are included in the November/December Experience Kit!

Experience Kits —

Because of the change in gathering restrictions, we’ve turned our energy towards creating monthly take-home kits for families to do together. Pick up times listed here:

SUNDAYS — 12P-12:30P (Nov. 29, Dec 6) WED-FRI — 10A-3P (Dec 2-4)

november 22, 2020

the practice of Gratitude: thanksgiving (part 3)

Due to the change in gathering restrictions, we will not have the KH Family Service this coming Sunday (sad face) which means this lesson will be happening in your homes. We’ve got another Bible story example of practicing gratitude, we pray it will be great discussion and reflection starting point. We encourage you to remind your kids to pull out their gratitude journals and record in them what they are learning or what they are considering for things they are grateful for each day.

monthly experience kits

Because we will not be holding the in-person KH Family Service or the Kids@Church service on Dec. 6th, we’re putting our energy towards curating monthly experience kits that you can pick up to do with your families.

We will send a text out to those in the text group KHFAMILY (703.972.6688) notifying of pick-up times. Our December one is ready! There will be some bonus stuff in this next experience kit for the rest of November :)

pick up times:

SUNDAYS — 12P-12:30P (Nov. 22 & 29, Dec 6) WED-FRI — 10A-3P (Dec 2-4)

Feel free to text the number listed above if these times/dates do not work for you.

November 15, 2020

The practice of gratitude: Thanksgiving (part 2)

Part two of four in our Practice of Gratitude series has us visiting an example of gratitude in the Bible! Have the kids been using our gratitude calendar? See above for the printout.

Let's continue to encourage one another to be grateful in all things!

november 8, 2020

the practice of gratitude: Thanksgiving (part 1)

In this lesson, we hope to unpack some of what it means to have a thankful heart. The next four weeks will be focused on thanksgiving. We will talk about examples in the Bible of Thanksgiving and have a variety of activations (i.e. - discussion, reflection, craft, etc.) that will vary by lesson. All ways to tie in the practice of gratitude.

november 1, 2020

introduction to the practice of gratitude

Here’s Pastor Michelle giving some insight to why we are pursuing the practice of gratitude:

The Practice of Gratitude: The Power of Words

We pray that this foundational lesson helps our kids to reframe how powerful our choice in words are. We can easily get caught up and frustrated but what if we remembered to pause and ask God for His eyes about a person, or situation and spoke out of agreement for what He sees? How would that shape the way we are inspirational?