Church At Home - Kids Edition
october 2020
For the 2020-2021 year, NewSong Church is moving into our next “I” core value which is Inspirational.
We wanted to take some time to break it down for the kids what it means to be inspirational and ways to embody it for our October series! We’ll be covering: what is inspiration and how we can embody God’s breath in us by being co-creators and being light.
october 25, 2020
being light - part two
Last week we explored the value of light, this week we dive a little deeper into the power of light!
kh family Service —recap— October 18, 2020
We had a great time connecting this past Sunday! We also handed out materials for the next lesson series. If you weren’t able to attend, feel free to email us at to arrange a pick-up for the materials for making diy journals.
october 18, 2020
being light - part one
Being infused with the breath of God can also be explained like infused with light. In order to understand what being light means, we wanted to take this lesson to talk about what light is and some if it's properties to help us understand how being bright is powerful.
october 11, 2020
being co-creators with christ
We hope that in the first lesson, you were able to help your kids to begin to see why inspiration matters. We are God-breathed and therefore filled with His breath and that as He breathes into us, we can exhale His breath to those around us! This week we get to look at one aspect of inspirational: we are beings that also get to be co-creators (partners with God) in all His work on the earth!
october 18th after service
kh family service (@11:45A) & sunday social (@12:30P)
Bring: chairs, blankets, food & drink
We will provide a fall treat: Cider & Donuts!
october 4, 2020
what is inspiration?
Our Kingdom Heroes are an important part of our church family!
We believe they should also know the direction we are headed as a church as we embody inspiration this year. A core tenet of KH is that we believe there is no such thing as a junior Holy Spirit and that is how we view teaching this concept to them. We believe it is important for them to have the opportunity to engage with inspiration like the rest of the congregation.
This week, we start by defining and giving a visual example of inspiration, we pray that new breath enters and fills all Kingdom Heroes who participate!
*Please note: our next Sunday Social date has changed. Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 18th