Vision is a funny thing. Most often when people talk about vision they talk about going to the eye doctor because they can’t see something or they talk about “vision statements,” which is humorous because then vision always ends up being words, and not images/pictures. As a church, we want to stretch our mindsets about how to receive vision.
Notice the word before vision - receive. Yep, that’s the word we want to focus on for the next 5 weeks because we want to remember you can’t “get” vision. You have to receive it. We can’t grab a hold of something with my eyes. But we can take in what we are seeing and experiencing and accept vision. My eyes were made to be receivers. And truly as humans if our eyes are the windows of our souls, we need to open the windows and take in what’s around us.
We intend to exercise our vision together for 5 weeks and each week we are going to embrace a new kind of vision and will attempt to practice the art of awareness. Art? Does this mean we have to get all creative and put on a beret? No, we are using the word “art,” because it means “skill as a result of learning or practice.” We want receiving vision to be a skill we can practice almost all the time and through various manners! Vision is always happening - and if we have the skill then we will be aware of it. We hope you will find your vision for your and/or your family activated through the simple exercise we have below!
This week, we want to practice the art of awareness through: Vision from Creation. If all creation displays the glory of God, we want to see it!
The Vision Activation directions are below: (Note: This can be done individually or together with family & friends)
Pray for eyes to see. It might even be good to put your hands on your eyes and bless them before you use them.
Pull out your timer on your phone or on your watch.
Go to a window in your house. (We suggest opening the window to remove obstructions) And look out of the windom for 1 minute and plan on identifying 1 or 2 things that caught your eye as you received their vision.
Record what you saw in a journal or in a note on your phone.
Ask these questions & share your vision: Why did I receive that thing more than other things? What might God be saying to me through creation?
“In all created things discern the providence and wisdom of God, and in all things give Him thanks. ”