Let’s think about the limitation of vision. There are many people who have never seen anything in their lives and yet, they are able to have vision. Think of the infamous story of Helen Keller and her uncanny teacher, Anne Sullivan, who taught Helen how to spell using the feeling of water. Many of us can feel and see things when we hear them! You hear the ocean in a shell and you can see the ocean. You hear a sound and you often get a picture of the thing you hear. Some of this is memory where you have seen and heard simultaneously, but the vision remains even when the sight is gone.
How often are we unable to see what God is doing; but maybe if we could hear something it would jar our sight. It is keen to consider the interrelated nature of the senses in how we receive. I wonder if we miss vision too often because we haven’t received in the ways outside of our eyes. If a picture is worth a thousand words, and a smell is worth a thousand pictures, could a sound be a thousand pictures?
Many times we see people see and hear together in the Scripture; but what does it mean to not see and then have to trust what you hear. Mark 8 gives us the picture of the blind man at Bethsaida. And through listening and touch he finds an increase of sight. Maybe we ought to be listening for what we can see?!
This week, we want to practice the art of awareness through: Vision from Sound. This vision from creativity is going to come from listening to music. I think this seems odd to see a picture or get vision from a sound. But we forget that music can be seen visually as it is made up of waves (& frequencies). Some people can even see color when musical notes are played. We want to see if we can receive image as we hear sound and apply that to our vision reception!
The Vision Activation directions are below: (Note: This can be done individually or together with family & friends)
Pray for eyes to see.
Listen to this song (or a part of it): Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Winter
If you have children, try listening to this song: Through Heaven's Eyes - Prince of Egypt
Ask the core questions:
Did you see an image as you listened?
Why did the sounds make you think of certain image?
Did you have any emotions that arose?
How is this vision through the ears revealing Jesus?
Here’s a good reason for listening to Vivaldi: Why Should You Listen to Vivaldi's Four Seasons
“Some things have to be believed to be seen.”