Updated as of 09/22/2020 2:00PM EST.

Updated as of 09/22/2020 2:00PM EST.

As communities begin to respond to the presence of the coronavirus (covid-19), we want to let you know how NewSong Church is responding. we remain vigilant in monitoring this situation. our desire is to continue cultivating a safe environment to worship and fellowship.

please continue to check back on this page for the most up-to-date information. (another way to tune in is to text “news” to 703-972-6688)

updates september 22, 2020

In-Person Service Attendance

  • While we’d like to fully open, our priority is creating a safe and welcoming environment. In keeping with this priority, this phase of reopening means we have limited, socially distant seating available and an RSVP process that helps us to make sure we’re able to create a space that is both welcoming and safe. Please access our RSVP process HERE.

  • Once registered, our window for check-in on Sunday is limited to 9:40A - 10:10A. If you are unable to arrive in that window, that may mean your spot is forfeit and given to someone waiting to register to attend. If there is space, then we would happily have you attend! However it is not guaranteed.


We value creating space to connect with one another, so in during this time, we’ve curated the following spaces of connection:

  • QUADS - we invite you to practice friendship by joining a QUAD! Four people x Four weeks x Forty minutes a week! Find out more HERE

  • SUNDAY SOCIALS - our current plan is for these to continue (barring bad weather) through November, once a month on the 4th Sunday of each month

  • KH FAMILY SERVICES - these are an opportunity for our families (with kids up to 5th grade) to attend service together because we understand it could be difficult to keep little ones seated for an entire indoor service so we’ve come up with an outdoor once a month option! These will be paired with our Sunday Socials on every 4th Sunday of the month through November.

  • OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES - stay tuned for more opportunities to love on our community this fall!


upates july 12, 2020

Sunday Socials

  • We’ve decided to move forward with hosting a Sunday Social one Sunday each month. Join us outdoors after service at 12:30P.

    Please bring: drinks, lunch/snacks, blankets, & lawn chairs

    We will provide ice cream!

  • Please click here for guidelines to our Sunday Socials


Updates July 2, 2020

Reopening: Beta-Test Phase

  • As the state of Virginia moves into Phase 3 of Re-Opening, we are exercising caution and proceeding with wisdom and are inviting small groups of people* to participate in a studio-style service as we continue to reach our community both in-person and online. *Please note, that we are officially remaining closed to the public but are working with groups of leaders/volunteers to train in safety protocol roles to prepare for re-opening.

Sunday Socials

  • Good news! We know how important connecting with one another is so we’ve come up with a fun way to gather safely. Join us monthly, outdoors after service at 12:30P.

    Please bring: drinks, lunch/snacks, blankets, & lawn chairs

    We will provide ice cream!

  • Please click here for guidelines to our Sunday Socials


updates june 17, 2020

Summer Event: Love After Marriage

  • With great difficulty, we have decided to cancel the Love After Marriage Workshop scheduled for July 28 - August 1. All couples registered will be receiving notification for refunds and additional information.

Reopening: Beta-Test Phase

  • As the state of Virginia continues to reopen, we are exercising caution and proceeding with wisdom and are asking our Leadership Core (LC) made up of Elders and Deacons at NewSong Church. We’re hoping to invite small groups of people to participate in a studio-style service as we continue to reach our community both in-person and online.


Updates June 7, 2020

We have our survey up! Please help us plan the reopening by giving us some feedback. CLICK HERE


updates may 29, 2020

Regarding Reopening

As Northern Virginia begins the process of reopening, we wanted to take a moment to update you on where we stand. As we've been honoring the temporary stay at home order by our governor, the majority of our efforts have been directed towards providing opportunities of connection to our community as well as developing content in the form of sermon series, teach tables, mini series, and family resources. While we have been doing those things, we have not neglected the fact that we will be gathering once again and are in ongoing discussion and planning for what this will look like for NewSong.

We recognize that as the country begins to reopen, everyone is going to have a different response. We do not want to be presumptuous where our community lands in the myriad of personal preferences when it comes to taking caution but rather approach with care and consideration for everyone. With that said, our initial stage includes a survey that will be sent Sunday after service to our NEWS text group. Please take a few minutes to respond, it will help us become aware of our community's sentiments as we continue to develop our reopening plan.

Right now, we do not feel it is best to fully reopen at the allowed capacity of 50% of maximum occupancy and will continue to connect through our Sunday livestream, Church At Home. While this is disappointing, we hope you understand that our approach at this time. We hope to launch some options shortly that will help facilitate in-person small group gatherings so please stay tuned for more!

We plan to slowly reopen in stages and are using this time to bring in a very small group of leaders and volunteers who will be trained on our sound and media systems. Even when we reopen to full capacity, we will continue to stream our services each week as well as provide more teaching and connection opportunities for those who desire to join us virtually from near or far. 

We invite you to pray with us as we seek God for wisdom and strategy in all we are stewarding. We love our NewSong community and we are full of hope for the future God has for us together!


updates May 28, 2020

Reopening Planning

  • We want your feedback! We have a survey that will be sent Sunday after service and we ask that our congregation take a few minutes to submit their responses for us to gauge how to navigate the process of reopening.


updates may 26, 2020

  • LAM — now that we are moving towards reopening, we will be discussing how we will move forward with the LAM Workshop. Decision to be made early June.


updates may 12, 2020

With the governor’s order to temporarily delay Phase 1 of reopening for Northern VA, we will continue to meet online.


updates april 19, 2020

  • Summer Events at NewSong

    • Kingdom Heroes School of the Spirit (KHSOS) — we have made the decision to cancel the in-person event on June 24-27. All those who have registered will be contacted.

    • Love After Marriage Workshop (LAM) — As of right now, it is too early to make a decision to cancel or postpone. However, as we continue to monitor the recommendations from local health officials we are continuing to accept registrations and are extending early bird registration until May 31, 2020. If the event is cancelled, we will give full refunds due to the circumstances at hand.


updates April 1, 2020

  • With the Virginia governor’s temporary order to stay at home, for the safety of our community, we will continue to meet online via Church At Home services. Links will go out live each Sunday morning.


updates march 26, 2020

  • We’re asking that those with financial need in our community to fill out this form

  • For Sunday, March 29th, we will be doing both worship and communion as part of our Church At Home service. Please prepare some bread/crackers & juice at home for the communion.

  • At this point, we will continue the Church At Home online format at least through Easter (April 12, 2020)

Updates March 24, 2020

  • Weekly Prayer - We’ve coordinated with our elders and pastors for several opportunities to come together online for prayer.

Text “ZOOMPRAY” for our Zoom links to the Tuesday evening (8p-9p) & Thursday morning (6a-7p).

  • Join us on Facebook Live from 12:00pm-12:15pm on Wednesdays as the pastors lead this time of prayer.

updates march 20, 2020

  • Want to connect with a pastor? We’ve created a scheduler! Check it out HERE

updates march 17, 2020

  • We have decided to move forward with the online Sunday service format for the next two weeks. Join the Song online at 10:30AM for Sunday, March 22nd and Sunday, March 29th!Join us for Noonday Prayer on Wednesdays from Facebook live


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


As of now, we have decided to move to an online format while we continue to monitor local and federal government responses. Our Senior Pastor, Alvin Chun, has written a response to all the recent happenings, click the link below to see!

will the church office be open during the week?

Yes. At this time, NewSong will remain open during normal business hours. If we decide to close for deep cleaning, we will update this page immediately. Some ministries may adjust their meetings and/or event. For clarification concerning any ministries, please contact your ministry leader.


We have decided to cancel in-person common tables as well as teach & equip tables. We encourage Common Tables to find creative solutions to continue meeting virtually! If there are any updates for currently running teach & equip tables, the Table leader will reach out with any alternative meeting plans, if any.


We encourage following the suggestions below to protect yourselves and others from the coronavirus, flu, and other illnesses:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (sing a little tune like “happy birthday” or “you are my sunshine” to help pass the time!);

  • Use hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available;

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your inner elbow, and wash your hands immediately afterwards;

  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands;

  • Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick;

  • Stay home if you are sick;

  • Disinfect objects and surfaces regularly.

If you are exhibiting any symptoms for the flu or cold - consider the recommended containment practice of social distancing and/or quarantine. Monitor your symptoms to see if they evolve to display signs for COVID-19 and contact your primary care physician if you do see worsening symptoms.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please notify us immediately so we can plan accordingly.


Some preparedness measures we are taking include the following:

  • Posted signs with healthful preventative actions.

  • Placing hand sanitizers in common areas throughout the buildings.

  • In all of our Children's Ministry & Youth classrooms, our volunteers sterilize various surfaces used by our children with a provided disinfectant spray.

    We will continue to follow our standard health protocols, not admitting any child with an elevated temperature. A child must also be fever free for 24 hours before coming to class, please monitor your child closely and carefully. Thank you for understanding if our children’s ministry staff cannot check-in your child to one of our programs due to health concerns.

  • In addition, we encourage mindfulness in your interactions with one another to minimize contact and therefore the spread of bacterias.


While COVID-19 is being reported in different geographic locations, the population that seems to be most affected are those over 60 years of age as well as those with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes.

It appears to have similar early symptoms to that of the flu but can range from mild to severe. The average time it takes for symptoms to appear is 2-14 days after infection. Symptoms include: fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Emergency signs include (but are not limited to): persistent pain/pressure in your chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, and bluish face or lips. If emergency signs present themselves, we encourage you to seek medical attention.

For more information on risk of infection, please visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website as well as the World Health Organization (WHO).Look to your local county website for more up to date information regarding response to localized response to cases of COVID-19.


With temperatures warming up earlier in the year, we are experiencing early blooms and that pollen that comes with it. If you experience reoccurring seasonal allergies, follow your normal treatment routine. Pay more attention if you start to develop symptoms that do not line up with your previous seasonal allergy reactions.

We are also mid-cold/flu season and early COVID-19 symptoms can appear similar to symptoms of the cold or flu. We ask that you exercise common preventative precautions recommended for cold and flu symptoms to maximize containment.

Children’s ministry

Will there be resources for parents to continue this Sunday's lesson for kids

We've made some adjustments to our lesson plan and created a link for you to access the lessons to do with your kids. We will be updates concerning children's ministry and families via our KH Family Text In Church Text Group.

If you aren't subscribed, text "KHFAMILY" to join in!

How do I talk to my kids about COVID-19?

1) Be mindful of your child's presence in the room. Children have a tendency to absorb information even when we think they may not be listening.

2) Remind your kids there are a lot of people helping people when they get sick. Remind them that God is our helper and protector!

3) Keep your responses simple and honest.

4) We encourage you to add prayers of healing protection and peace to your family prayer time.


We absolutely believe in healing and God's intervention in sickness and in His desire for us to be well. That said, we are also very intentional to be cautious and considerate of others.

We pray that your family would experience divine health and wholeness in Jesus' name!