Church At Home - Kids Edition

Launch Fall 2020

grow series



For the 2020-2021 year, NewSong Church is moving into our next “I” which is Inspirational.

What better way to start talking about being inspirational than going back to the beginning where God breathed on and created all life!


The formatting for this GROW series differs from the ones we’ve provided in earlier months. Please note that there are no varying colors highlighting different sections. Instead, the majority of a lesson printout is focused on the primary content and with additional suggested content in boxes. These lessons employ a lot of reflection and question-asking which we’ve chosen to include. We encourage you to take those questions and use them throughout the week!

september 27, 2020

Jesus takes away our sin

We’ve learned about how sin keeps us from being close to God but that’s not the end of the story! God wants to be in relationship with us so He sent Jesus to take away our sins by dying on the cross so that we could be close to God again. We learn a specific story in the Bible about someone else who has sin that keeps them from God. But even in that, God knew He would make a way for us to reconnect to Him.

Lesson video for PREK in the Resource Folder below.

This week’s “extras” are:

1) Supplemental Resource: Video (Why is sin such a big deal?)

2) Scripture Reading: Romans 3:23, Ephesians 4:31-32

3) Activity: Dominoes


Sunday, september 27 @ 11:45A

KH FAMILY service!

Bring: a blanket large enough for your whole family, water (hydration is key!), chairs (if that’s your thing!), and possibly a small snack

We’ll have a short time of worship, lesson, and connection!

september 20, 2020

sin separates us from god

God created us to partner with him in bringing heaven to earth. Sadly, the devil wanted to stop that plan so sin was introduced to Adam and Eve in the garden. Let’s learn more about that part of the story today.

Lesson video for PREK in the Resource Folder below.

This week’s “extras” are:

1) Object Lesson: Helium Balloon

2) Scripture Reading: 1 John 1:9, Psalm 103:10-12

3) Activity: Make a Compass


September 13, 2020

God created us in his image

We’ve walked through the story of creation but want to take one lesson to talk more about God’s favorite creation - US! We’re the only beings he created in his image, each of us are special to him.

Lesson video for PREK in the Resource Folder below.

This week’s “extras” are:

1) Object Lesson: Mirror

2) Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:13-17, Ephesians 2:10

3) Activity: “I AM” Sashes


bags of love

We also wanted to mention that the church is hosting an outreach opportunity called “Bags of Love” (click the image for more). But one way kids can be a part, is creating heart art to put in the bags. If you aren’t able to drop it off at the church between Friday, Sept. 11 - Friday, Sept. 18 feel free to email a scanned copy to us and we can print it out!

september 6, 2020

god created the whole world

Last week’s lesson talked about God’s big story and how we’re in it! This week, we dial it in a notch and talk about how the amazing story of creation.

Lesson video for PREK in the Resource Folder below.

This week’s “extras” are:

1) Object Lesson: Our Solar System

2) Scripture Reading: Hebrews 11:3 & Psalm 24:1

3) Activity: Coffee Filter Earth


August 30, 2020

God’s Big Story

This week, we get to learn about the big picture of God’s story. It helps set the stage for the following weeks when we talk about creation and the fall of man.

This week’s “extras” are:

1) Object Lesson: Backpack of Books

2) Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 & Hebrews 4:12

3) Activity: Bible Tic Tac Toe

family service

We hope you are able to join us for a family service at 11:45A on Sunday morning before the Sunday Social!

Come ready with: a blanket (for the whole family to sit on), water, Bible, and your listening ears!